Concerts and Castles


As the weeks are flying by it was good to have one that was a bit different from others.
This week started off as usual with me travelling to the East-End of Glasgow to do my cello teaching. Tuesday was much closer to hand starting off in the local Primary school and finishing in a local Secondary. All this was interspersed with my private teaching at home.
On Wednesday it was different. I went to my Daughter's Primary across the road to see their make on a Medieval Baquet! In came the Princess and the Knights to do some jousting as well us enjoying a banquet! The primary 3 class were terrific and given a great show. There were School Inspectors in as well so they must have been impressed.
On Thursday my day started as usual with my cello teaching in another nearby Secondary school. Later that day at 7.00pm I took part in a concert at another local Secondary and what a breath of fresh air. It incorporated all the members of the Arts Faculty i.e. Music, Drama, Art and Dance. All did the school proud and proved again that an ordinary Secondary School in Glasgow can put on a high class show/concert that is both short and very entertaining. Long may it carry on.


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