Sarteano Day 17 final day

Today we are a little bit in Limbo. We are not wanting to leave; know we have to and are still trying enjoy the day while also getting packed. I'm sure many people have felt the same as their holidays end. Not wanting to do too much, not spending too much money (as you don't want to take any more Euros out just to convert them back to pounds the day after). Ends of holidays are Horrible! I wish there was service you could call. Where they would turn up, do all the packing and magically transport you home without having to go to an airport and guiltily make your way through customs. It is however, what it is. Tomorrow afternoon we will be back in Glasgow (probably raining) and we will moan at how unfair our holiday was so short. In a couple of days we will back in the old routine. Ahh! C'est la vie!