Mothers are not indestructable
That dreaded phone call came at 3.15 in the morning. Confused and still half asleep I answered the phone. Who was this? My father told me that mum had had a funny turn ( as he put it!), that he had phoned for an ambulance and could I come to the house and the hospital with them. I couldn't quite take it in. My FATHER telling me my MOTHER had had a funny turn! Wait a minute I thought that is suppose to be the other way round. You are the kidney patient, you are the one who has had 16 good years out of a kidney transplant, you are the one who is supposed to get unwell suddenly in the middle of the night. NOT my MOTHER! She is 81 years young, looks after our 2 year old, does her Tai Chi, eats all the right things, doesn't smoke, hardly drinks and SHE's the one who has had a heart attack.
The knock on affect of this incident is how it has been taken by the whole family. Both my brothers are now more attentive than ever, especially my older one who is trying to offload his guilt at not seeing her too often by smothering her with help that she doesn't want or need. She is not an invalid she has had a setback but will recover. It does emphasise to me though the great influence a strong mother can have. She has been the mainstay of the family through all sorts of illnesses to my dad, my older brother and myself. She has helped look after both my sons and now my daughter and asked for nothing in return only shown unconditional love. She is a mother in a million.
As a little postscript to this, because I started this a couple of days ago, I have seen my mother today, Christmas Day 2005. She looks amazing and in fact, better than she has done for a while. She is calm and has started to make a full recovery
I know that she has many more Christmases ahead of her but we should never take it for granted
The knock on affect of this incident is how it has been taken by the whole family. Both my brothers are now more attentive than ever, especially my older one who is trying to offload his guilt at not seeing her too often by smothering her with help that she doesn't want or need. She is not an invalid she has had a setback but will recover. It does emphasise to me though the great influence a strong mother can have. She has been the mainstay of the family through all sorts of illnesses to my dad, my older brother and myself. She has helped look after both my sons and now my daughter and asked for nothing in return only shown unconditional love. She is a mother in a million.
As a little postscript to this, because I started this a couple of days ago, I have seen my mother today, Christmas Day 2005. She looks amazing and in fact, better than she has done for a while. She is calm and has started to make a full recovery

I know that she has many more Christmases ahead of her but we should never take it for granted