Bit of a mixed day today. I put the estimate forward for the new instuments which was passed without the bat of an eyelid. I am now convinced they have much more money than they're letting on. Still, I'm happy to have got what I wanted. I think????
Adam was taken ill at school today but thankfully it wasn't one of his migraines. He seems to have picked up a stomach bug. Hopefully it will pass in a day or two. He has told us that he failed his SG Maths along with the rest of the year bar three!! Something is wrong in the Maths department for that to happen. It's too good a school for so many to have failed. Adam has had 1's in every other subject so why maths? I will phone the school if I can get through because I expect it to be busy with all the other parents!!
Sangita was having a dose of the "poor me's" at her lesson today. It is not a good situation with her not being well and cooped up in that small flat with a baby. I think I'd be having the "poor me's". I'll stay in touch this week. Off to bed now and hopefully Kate will sleep through the night.
Adam was taken ill at school today but thankfully it wasn't one of his migraines. He seems to have picked up a stomach bug. Hopefully it will pass in a day or two. He has told us that he failed his SG Maths along with the rest of the year bar three!! Something is wrong in the Maths department for that to happen. It's too good a school for so many to have failed. Adam has had 1's in every other subject so why maths? I will phone the school if I can get through because I expect it to be busy with all the other parents!!
Sangita was having a dose of the "poor me's" at her lesson today. It is not a good situation with her not being well and cooped up in that small flat with a baby. I think I'd be having the "poor me's". I'll stay in touch this week. Off to bed now and hopefully Kate will sleep through the night.