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Been a while and we are still in a Pandemic!

 I'm Back! Well I have been missing from this blog for just over 4 years and have decided to resurrect it now! I haven't deliberately been missing but have been very occupied it doing other things, such as work! It seems a strange time to resurrect it and really should have been done about a year ago when the Pandemic hit Scotland. I think I was just in a state of shock and bewilderment like so many others! The good new is, I am still here! So how has my pandemic been? Back in March of last year the shit hit the fan and towards the middle of the month the whole country went into a "lock-down". It was a strange feeling and a very worrying one. Nobody had ever had this experience before and so we were all a bit lost. All my teaching in both school and privately was cancelled. I say cancelled but very quickly I turned to Zoom and re-invented my teaching.Everything was online. I had never taught over the internet and actually had never heard of Zoom! Rapid fast forward an...

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